Our address is The Fountain Church, Princes Street, BA20 1EN! Although we are accessed from both Prince's street (Front entrance through garden) and from Clarence Street (back of the church and car park)... a fact which has caused some confusion in the past, so if you get stuck; don't be afraid to get in touch!

Our previous meetings are kept on YouTube, so feel free to view them at anytime!

Look for The Fountain globe and join our Sunday morning meetings on YouTube! We aim to make it as inclusive as we can and welcome any interactions or suggestions as to how we can better achieve this. Please do get in contact if we can help!

Please also get in touch with any of our team if you would like us to share prayer requests with our wider family.

Watch this space...

We will shortly be adding Facebook and Instagram pages, so as to keep you all up to date with all the happenings at the church. Details to follow!